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Paint Break Striping Tape


3/4 inch Paint Break Stripes

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Re-creates 2-Color, 3/4 inch Ford Truck OEM Paint Break Stripes and other Truck OEM Pinstripes. Contains 1 roll of background color and 1 roll of middle color. Stripe Kit uses 3/4 inch Background Color Stripe and 1/4 inch Accent Color Stripe.

Accent Color Stripe can be placed in any position (middle, top, or off-center) on top of background color stripe, giving you versatility to achieve the desired effect. We have a large variety of background colors and accent colors to choose from.

Size: 3/4 inch roll + 1/4 inch roll

Style: Paint Break Pinstriping

Type: 2 Colors

Length: 2 x 150 Ft Rolls (1 Roll per Color)

Priced From : $122.84

7/8 inch Paint Break Stripes

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Re-creates 2-Color, 7/8 inch OEM Paint Break Stripes. Stripe kits contain 1 roll of background color and 1 roll of middle color. Stripe Kit uses 7/8 inch Background Color Stripe and 1/4 inch Accent Color Stripe.

Accent Color Stripe can be placed in any position (middle, top, or off-center) on top of background color stripe, giving you versatility to achieve the desired effect. We have a large variety of background colors and accent colors to choose from.

Size: 7/8 inch roll + 1/4 inch roll

Style: Paint Break Pinstriping

Type: 2 Colors

Length: 2 x 150 Ft Rolls (1 Roll per Color)

Priced From : $137.96

1 inch Paint Break Stripes

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Re-creates 2-Color, 1 inch OEM Paint Break Stripes. Stripe kits contain 1 roll of background color and 1 roll of middle color. Stripe Kit uses 1 inch Background Color Stripe and 1/4 inch Accent Color Stripe.

Accent Color Stripe can be placed in any position (middle, top, or off-center) on top of background color stripe, giving you versatility to achieve the desired effect. We have a large variety of background colors and accent colors to choose from.

Size: 1 inch roll + 1/4 inch roll

Style: Paint Break Pinstriping

Type: 2 Colors

Length: 2 x 150 Ft Rolls (1 Roll per Color)

Priced From : $128.51